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  • Colleen LaMonte, APRN-FPA, CPNP

Nourishing Nurse

Finally! Here I am, after all this time, FINALLY getting around to creating a blog post! If you can't tell already, I am not an articulate writer or blogger. None of my English or writing teachers would remember me as a great literary. (But they might remember me as frequently talking if they remember me at all). So, here goes!

A nourishing nurse. Yep, that's me! What makes you thrive and not just survive? What heals you mentally and physically? What unique lifestyle, family circumstances, nutritional needs, religion, thoughts, and beliefs... do you carry that require an individualized approach to your medical care? Many of you already know that I have a whole brood of children (only five). They are each their own person. Truly. Some have similarities, they might like some of the same foods and activities, but overall I can tell you with confidence that no two children are the same and each one has their own needs. Their own wants and dreams, and their own sensitivities. What they all have in common, though, is that they need nourishing.

I began this 'natural journey' years ago. I was in school to be a nurse and quickly found that our healthcare system is full of protocols. It's very boring, pretty cold and rigid, and generally lacks the affection and care one would hope they'd encounter when they aren't well. Don't get me wrong. I believe there are times when protocols, allopathic medicine, and even a firm, tough love approach to an individual's healthcare is important, but for the most part, healthcare should reflect the images we often see of nurses sitting at the bedside - wiping away tears, gently cleaning wounds, holding their patient's hand, providing reassurance. They nourished their patients with meals and songs, encouraging words, and affection. This form of medicine still exists, though it's hard to find behind the bins of allopathic fever reducers, allergy sprays and constipation powders.

As a nurse and primary care provider, I've seen the 'bad side at the bedside'. The side effects, adverse reactions, comorbidities, illnesses or worsening symptoms caused by prescribed medications... Medicine has become a business, but there are ways to avoid it.

Throughout my time as a nurse practitioner, I found many natural ways of healing and shared them with my patients. I've nourished and nurtured my patients and their families, helped guide them into a healthier lifestyle. I rid my own home of common toxins often found in our food, toothpaste, cleaning agents, soaps and lotions... I encouraged families to adopt cleaner eating habits that would not only improve their gut and immune systems, but also help manage and even treat mental health concerns. Food is medicine.

Then I decided to open up my own holistic pediatric practice. Like a baby, I nourished Happy Sprouts and built it slowly. I started small. I had low expectations and hoped to at least build a clientele of a few like-minded parents that I could focus on. Happy Sprouts developed a little quicker than I anticipated, though. I built a website, and had a family call me to schedule an appointment long before I was even prepared to see them! Word slowly spread that there was a more inclusive, thorough, and holistic provider in town, and I've been blessed to share my method with more families than I thought I'd have the opportunity to work with.

The immense support I've gotten from all of you has been a blessing, and you'll never understand the depths of my appreciation.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your child's healthcare, for letting me be their nourishing nurse.

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